Friday, October 30, 2009

Change Background Image

If you have an image and want to put it on another background , here is the perfect tutorial for you. However, the person here is trying to achieve something else, but in the mean time, he also teaches us.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Photo manipulation Combining 2 Images

You must have seen effect where 2 images are combined to get an effect. Here we are going to learn the same. This is called photo manipulation. take a look.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Background Fill in Text

We have got a video where the text is filled by background image, and you can add text effects on the same. This is also seen as the watermark. Enjoy this video...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Create Icy Effect

This one is a real cool Effect to play with. This video teaches you to add an Icy effect on any image. the results are good, but sometimes it is image specific. A good tutorial to learn.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Create Exact Matrix Effect

In earlier video the results for Matrix Effect were not satisfying. Here we got another video, with stunning close results for the Matrix Effect.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Create Car Headlight

We have seen that how to change a daytime to a nighttime. When we applied the same, we actually were not able to match things with nighttime. One thing was a moving car with no headlights on, So here is a tutorial to create a Car headlight.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Create Milky Way effect

Milky way is the galaxy where our solar system is located. You know what shape is our galaxy? well, you can recreate one on your computer.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Night Vision Effect

We have already seen Night vision effect, but this time, we got it very easy and quick one for you. have a look to get this effect in a minute.

Create Heat Vision Effect

Now this is very common. We have seen this in many movies and advertisement that there is a Heat Vision effect applied on Images. Here is the tutorial for the same.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Decayed Text Effect

Another great photoshop text effect that has been used in many movies, Internet logos and websites. A decayed text effect is what if gives the look and feel of a Old and rustic thing. Learn how to do this.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Create Hot Fire Text Effect

We have seen previously Fire text effect, but that tutorial was not enough for us to get results. This time we found a tutorial that will teach us to create exact Hot Fire text effect we required.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Create Portrait of an Image

Many times you would like to create a portrait of an image you have. Create a life like portrait could actually make you a great painter. Learn how to be painter...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Create a Old Burnt Tresure Map Effect

We have seen this in many movies. a Old burnt treasure map. You can actually create one ans use that to play a prank. Creating it is very very easy. Just watch this tutorial and you will learn ho to do this.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Create a Website Banner

Creating a website banner is not a difficult task at all. We learned this when we saw this tutorial. You too can create a banner for yourself, if you have a website, web page or a blog.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Replace Colors

Sometimes you would like to change colors in an image. Changing your cloth colors, object colors, background colors or any thing else...

Monday, October 12, 2009

How to do Better Cropping

Cropping an image is sometimes very tedious when you have lots of curves and curls in a picture you want to crop. Here is a video showing you, how to get a better cropping.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to Make Something Sparkle

Sparkling effect gives you a feeling of New, Shiny, clean or even sometimes the Royal effect in case of Diamonds. Sparkles added to tears make it more emotional. Here is how to add a sparkle to your images.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Creating Censored images

You must have seen on TV, internet and magazines as well, that some portion of an image is distorted so that the person or object behind that is not visible.
Here is a tutorial showing you the same, or one type of Censoring.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

3D Glasses Effect

What happens when you see out of a Distorted glass, You sometimes see an image with color distortion and a bit blurry image. This video teaches how to create one for yourself. ENJOY !!!

Remove a Timestamp from a Photo

Timestamp is something which helps you remember the date and time of a photograph you shot. Sometimes you would not like them to be in place, specially if you are taking a print of the same. Here we got a simple tutorial, which teaches us to remove these Timestamps very easily and effectively.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Create Gundge Theme

Grunge themes are the IN things these days. Everything seems to be in grunge theme. Last time we learned to create the RSS button, and we can thus create a grunge look on that as well, infact on anything.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sharpen Images

Many times we are not able to get the sharpest pictures, Either our camera in not stable or it is not getting the right focus. To get more sharpness follow this simple tutorial, you will get good results.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Create an RSS ICON

For almost every website we visit, we see that we are offered RSS feeds. Now when you need to use an RSS icon, you usually Google it and copy an image. But here we teach you to create one for your own needs. You can create one for you, the way you want it. Enjoy this tutorial...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Create Fake Eyelashes

Have you ever observed those beautiful eyes, with broad, beautiful Eyelashes? They can achieve through Makeup for sure. but for you all, you can achieve it without makeup. yes, photoshop comes for rescue. watch this video to apply on your own.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Facial Structure Reshaping

Nobody's face is perfect in this world. One way is to get facial surgery done, but that is usually a costly method. to look beautiful in photos, you can manipulate these images. Here is a tutorial which teaches you to change the facial structure. Have a look.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Remove Makeup from Eyes

Sometimes Makeup is just too loud to look good. What photographers do is hat they remove makeup as well, so that they may actually look Normal, rather than looking Overdone with makeup. This is how they remove makeup from Eyes.